Kevin & Jodie Byrne

Kevin and Jodie Byrne are the owners of WAE, Kevin started as a fitter and turner and has now been self-employed for over thirty years. Kevin is inspired by the depth of talent that the company holds. Every day is different, his role has a broad job description, and involves a vast range of work.
When Kevin isn’t thinking of his next solution to a clients’ problem, he can be found having some well-deserved rest and recreation with his wife, Jodie, overseas or on the tennis or squash court with his mate, Brains.
Jodie has a background in administration and an enrolled nurse. She joined the WAE team over twenty years ago and enjoys the variety of work in her day-to-day and the close environment that WAE and her staff offer.
Life is never boring for Jodie at WAE; there are always interesting projects on the go, whether it’s dealing with customers or suppliers or organising the social club trips.
When Jodie isn’t in the office or on holiday with Kevin, you’ll probably find her having a quiet gin and soda, or rearing calves.